08 January 2014

Total Blackout Is Total Fun!

Just as the name says it. It's a reality TV show where it's almost similar to Fear Factor. 

The players are to do certain things in a completely dark room. It's so black/dark that they can't even be able to see their own hands right in front of their eyes.

Some of the things that's in their "game" are smelling random items and then identify them. Other rounds would be touching things in an empty glass case and identify them. There's actually many more different ones, like eating something off someone's body.

So the father has been talking about this show for about a week. Imagine since last week he kept reminding us that at this time on this day we all cannot watch other things. MUST WATCH AXN.


I actually can't remember when was the last time we all laughed so hard at a TV in the living room. IT WAS SO HILARIOUS I TELL YOU! You just gotta watch it. I KID YOU NOT. SURE BEST ONE HOUR OF YOUR LIFE. Laugh like that and sure burn some calories. CONFIRM.

Anyways, one of the things that made me laughed quite a bit and at the same time disgusted is this *looks below*

It's just geli okayyy! Some of the answers were, "Is it a rabbit?", "It smells like an animal" etc. OH MY GOODNESS!

The smelling isn't as funny as when they need to touch to tell what the item is. You just gotta see how the people react when they didn't even touch anything. Got one lady reacted till so extreme and cursing all the way when her hand touched some feathers of a feather duster. Goodness. SO FUNNY LAA!

If you're having a not-so-good day, this is a good boost. I didn't have the most pleasant night but that one hour turned it around. Boy, just go Youtube and watch it will you! PLEASE! 

07 January 2014

Goldii Jumped.

This morning.

In office.

It was on top of a flattened table calendar.

My huge comfy chair swept the calendar and both jumped unwillingly. 

The thing was I didn't even know that Goldii was already on the floor. There was no sound at all. 

It was just that sudden feeling that I had that pushed me to just turn behind and check on Goldii, which was charging at that moment. 

My eyes saw an empty table/shelf. Heart straight sank a lil. Turned to the floor and it was covered by the calendar.


Picked it up and press here and there. Everything seems okay so should be okaylah. So I try convincing myself. 

That's a quite a high drop actually. 

Aiya, nevermind lah. 

It taught me to not take worldly things so precious. The WORLD will fail me always and I shall put all my hope and strength and faith in the One that never fails.

Not yesterday. Not today. Not tomorrow.

I'm secure in the Perfect Man :)

06 January 2014

ROOTED Appreciation Dinner.

Youth Camp 2014 was weeks ago. Wuuuut! Don't know why good times always seem to go by quicker eh. Pffft.

Anyways, we had our annual appreciation dinner last night and no, this time no choo char. We all had two in one bbq steamboat. How to have choo char within the budget with 20 hungry youth?! How?!

Most of the group leaders joined us this time and I would like to think that they all had a lot of fun cooking on their own and eating their end product, while sweating away :)

I think it must be the age because I used to enjoy this kind of meal gatherings. Now, I just want to sit down in an aircond room and be served. Hah. Instead of sweating inside out, eating burnt meat or overcooked vege in tomyam soup. Oh ya by the way, INDY COOKS REALLY YUMMY BUTTER CHICKEN/FISH/VEGE! Okaylah, last night I'm quite okay because Indy cooked and took the drinks for me. My favourite number four indeed :)

Ended the night with a glass of Iced Mocha at Coffee Elements, All Seasons.

Good Sunday is good.

02 January 2014

Different and New.

Just like that, it's already second day of the new year.

"It has been 22 hours since 2014 hit us." My dad said last night after grocery shopping at Tesco.

Then, it really shook me. It's seriously the second day already today?

I spent my whole night last night doing don't know what. I know for sure I wasn't sleeping. I was awake, scratching my head and my fingers, constantly looking at the windows to see if the sun is up, looked at my phone a thousand times but did not once went into any social media. It hit me. The reality of 2014 hit me in the middle of the night. What a perfect timing.

Year in, year out. Just like that, 25 years of my life passed. TWENTY FIVE! Seriously? I'm so not anywhere near ready to be 26 and more. 25 has gotta be my maximum age. Haha. Growing old is too painful. At least I look younger than my real age la so it isn't that bad as I thought it would be. 

Anyways, since this is the first post of 2014, it's different :)

This post is actually dedicated to a good friend whom I've worked alongside with for the past 10 years. One decade man. That's crazy stuff. For a whole stretch of 10 years, it has always been great to be serving God with this man. It's not always oh-we-work-so-well-together-that-we-never-argue kind, but it is we-help-each-other-to-grow and God-experienced kind. We have our ups and downs. Many many of ups and downs actually. But at the end of the day, we still enjoy each other's company in serving the fireBRANDS. Despite the many differences, we always manage to work things as a team. 

Then, last night after saying a few really nice things in our fireBRANDS Council group chat, he left. I'm not saying it as a bad thing. I guess when I saw 'Leroy left', it hit me even more that 2014 is going to be a different and new. 

Different because the one person that I go to everytime I needed to make a fireBRANDS-related decision or anything of the ministry, it's him I go to, the wise man. And now, it's different. Not that I don't go to the other two handsome councils. It's just different. It's not a bad-different. It's just different.

New because I'm like the last one from the senior time that still serves the young people. WHY YOU ALL LEAVE ME! WHYYY!? Kiddinglah. I miss all of you, crazy bunch of humans. Judson.. Daniel.. Leroy.. Ian.. Salako..

So yeah. One thing I'm thankful for, is the friendship that I've gained despite of the decisions that were made two years ago. Le Roy, you have been a blessing from up above to not only me but also Adrian. And WhatTwoEatHere (in case you all didn't know, Le Roy designed our name card for us). It's been so goood working alongside with you :) We are excited to see what God has planned for you and you're gonna be great because you are specially marked by Him :)

Friendship of 12 years and many more years to come :)

Try not to cry Le Roy. Now you got no choice but to read my blog! Muahaha!

30 December 2013

Apple and Cars and Christmas Dinners.

Now that I've gotten use (kinda) to using this apple thing, I find it super annoying that to transfer photos and videos, it has to be via itunes. My only problem now is I haven't even downloaded them into my laptop and I have no idea at all how to use it.

That explains why my blog is so empty these few weeks. Also, www.whattwoeathere.com!

I have photos since Christmas and it's now all stuck in the goldii. 

Aiyaaa! Tomorrow only do lah since I half day leave! :)

Outstation cars, would you please just park your car in the shopping malls and only leave when the rest of the real Penang people are home and away from the streets. Thank you.


So I decided to blog about all my Christmas dinners tonight since I'm watching Men In Black 3 and my hands are kinda free. 

The photos will be in random (as usual) because I'm seriously too lazy to do it in orders. Maybe I should really post an update on a dinner next time, instead of combining all into one. Heh.

Alright, so this year there were so the very many dinners that I went to. Eat non-stop I tell you. It's crazee because the food were so amazingly delicious and for sure, the kilograms naik like mad also.

Okay, so here are some photos. Very very few because I err.. I don't know why.. I just don't feel like posting a lot?

Crazy how time sneakily passes through. Pfft.

27 December 2013


I really really want to post up photos and blog about Christmas. 

Really really want to.


The celebration of the birth of the Perfect Man isn't near over yet.

So many dinners in the span of few days.

Will be back soon.

I need to get back all the sleep I missed.

24 December 2013

Five S.






i finallys gets to holds the phone in mys hands.

i is verys a happys girl todays.

the s behind is on purpose.

Go check my Instagram photo! Love ittttt! :)