15 April 2013

The Walking Dead.

So, after loving Pretty Little Liars so much and finish with their Season 3, I have decided to move on to another famous TV series. This one is equally good and love it as much as PLL. Though both also very different kind of series.

As I keep watching it, I'm starting to be like, "Okay, we need to prepare a room that's of metal and keep lots of food in case this happens.." and stuff like that. So funny la. Obviously I know it's not! Oh the fun of imagining things like that.

If you haven't watch this one, GO WATCH IT NOW! TWO THUMBS UP!

14 April 2013

Science at Straits.

Volunteer Job for the Dream Catcher for some Science Fair thingy. Okay, it's more like the preggo sister "forced" me into it. Hahaha. Oh well.. 

Gonna be a good day because we'll be working with children! :)

12 April 2013



11 April 2013

Ephesians 5: 1-2

Watch what God does, and then you do it, like children who learn proper behavior from their parents. Mostly what God does is love you. Keep company with Him and learn a life of love. Observe how Christ loved us. His love was not cautious but extravagant. He didn't love us in order to get something from us but to give everything of Himself to us.

Love like that.

10 April 2013

That Today.

THAT moment when we had to have quickie lunch because I have a movie date with crazy peeps and he has to work tonight.

THAT moment when we had the most simple lunch ever.

THAT moment when I see Kelly's face during lunch.

THAT moment when my name appears on BOOST's What's Your Name Game again, in like less than a year.

THAT moment when Kelly says bye to me so many times after lunch and adda "I love you" to it.

THAT moment when the BOOST drink I received turns both mom and Koay's face when they drank it. Too sour.

THAT moment when it's raining and all I'm thinking off is a glass of wine and long night of conversation-ing away.

THAT moment when mom makes the best lotus root soup and char sio bak with cili padi for dinner.

THAT moment when I went into an office to make presentation and there he stands next to me, suprisingly. Uncle Thean Kee's office and he is the boss that the lady I talked to was talking about. Hah. Small world is small.

THAT moment when I make my clients smile, saying silly things.

THAT moment when my petrol indicator is full.

THAT moment when I see my preggo sister's face coming into my room just now.

THAT moment when he was the only one doing all the talking through skype because I have no microphone with me.

THAT moment when I see a huge yellow balloon printed with DAP's logo flying over the sky with a string attached and smiles to it.

THAT moment when I know I'm going home in 30 minutes time.

THAT moment when I woke up this morning feeling so-so and got better over the hours.

THAT moment. All that moment in just one day, TODAY.


09 April 2013

08 April 2013

Hairy Legs.

I never believe in shaving leg hair. Even when I was teased in college for having such hairy legs for girls. I kept cool and still never want to shave my legs.

Then, one day don't know what hit me and I started removing hair from my legs. Suddenly I'm like so anti-hair-leg conscious. I never shaved because that would affect the skin.

And all this while, I wanted to try the wax-pull-thing that Veet has. I knew it was going to be painful that's why I never actually do it. Oh and it's expensive too! Anyways, I decided to do it that day! Speaking of being random and spontaneous. Of course I had Koay to help me, in case I buy d then bail out. Hahaha.

First, you gotta warm the wax peel thingy by rubbing your two hands on it :)

Then, you open it into two and it's all sticky.

And then stick on the behind of my leg. SURE PAINFUL OKAY THIS AREA!

If you see carefully, you will be able to see strands of short hair on the sticky thing. Overall, it's not that painful but then, after the wax thing got pulled out, it leaves a bit of the stickyness on the skin which to me is a MAJOR ANNOYING THING. I have like 9 more of the wax thing and I have no idea what to do with it. I just don't like the sticky feeling after.