Showing posts with label justHEALTH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label justHEALTH. Show all posts

28 November 2014

Spine Pain.

Blogging from Klinik Huang now. There's 13 more people before its my turn so why not do something productive. Heh. 

I have been having some discomfort/pain on my lower back spine and the pain seemed to have gotten worse day by day. 

How I actually measure that is by carrying Sha Lynn and it gets more painful each passing day. That or she's really gaining more weights now. Hah. 

The last time I had an xray on my spine was 2 years ago and was told that my spine curves very obviously to the left but it won't cause any issues since I was either born with it or grew up with it. 

It cannot be old age since I'm only 26! So young okayy. But if it is, that just means my internal is growing old too fast. This is weird!

I honestly don't know what it could be. 

It couldn't be the pain from Gunung Irau cos that's like weeks ago. I didn't fall down or knock anything. Not that I can remember knocking on anything. 

There are no bruises, cuts or anything bulging out. Fats don't count okay. 

So, we'll just have to see what the doctor says. 

Pray for me please thank you! 

UPDATES: It's most likely muscle and ligament tension. Doc gave me meds to relax my body and back. Yay! No bone issue! ✌️

21 August 2014

In Memory of Aunty Ean Beng.

After being silent for a week, I am back.

I want to convey my deepest heartfelt condolences to Pastor Heok Cheow, Judson, Joyce and Jesher in the passing of Aunty Ean Beng.

One of my fondest memories with Aunty Ean Beng was back in the days when we would always hang out at Pastor's house, have dinner and just coffee. Aunty Ean Beng will always sit at the steps and we would always share Judson's embarrassing moments. I've known Jud since 10 years old? 

Wow, it's been 16 years huh. Crazy times.

We will always laugh at Judson because of the things he did last time. I guess that made me talk to Aunty Ean Beng more. Knowing her more than just a Pastor's wife.

Once, she saw that I was taking some cili padi on the table and she asked if I love having them in my meals. I told her that it wasn't only me, both my parents are also crazy over it. Since then, everytime her cili padi plant had its products, she would always give them to us in a small see through container. 

Oh! Not to mention how delicious her homemade peanut butter is! 

Also, the day when we visited her at the hospital, she remembered everyone's names and what they do and stuff. On the way home, Koay told me that he was very shocked to see that Aunty Ean Beng remembered him. Someone who doesn't see her often at all. Maybe a few times only. 

I miss you, Aunty Ean Beng. It's still very surreal that you have gone home. I know we have never say this to you but we love you. My family loves and prays for you. We are glad that you are no longer suffering. Thank you for being the person you are. Your life have wowed so many people. Mine included. 

I don't know how it must have felt like to lose someone so close to you. I cannot and don't want to imagine. 

Judson walked to the coffin and as he lay the flower on top of it, his hand remained on the flower a while and I saw his lips moved.

"Bye Mom.."

This scene is engraved in my mind since. Everytime I think of it, my eyes get wet a little, like now..

I know they probably have heard "Be strong!" many many times. I wanted to say it but I guess it's not going to be that easy..

To Pastor Heok Cheow, Judson, Joyce and Jesher,

Know that we are praying for you everyday. For comfort, strength, peace and joy. Know that we love you and we will always be there anytime you need us. ANYTIME. 

Till I see you again, Aunty Ean Beng.

16 April 2014

John 14:27

"Peace I leave with you.
My peace I give to you.  
I do not give to you as the world gives.  
Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid"

thank you Jesus.

17 March 2014

Medical Certificate.

Today is my first MC of the year.

Too tired and with the tension headache since Saturday, I just had to take a day off.

Doctor even gave me a relief muscle meds for my head/brain.

One good news is my blood pressure is finally at the normal level. It has always been low since I had my surgery about 2 years ago. So, that's a good news.

Alright, not going to stay here for long. Need to rest the head a bit more since work starts tomorrow, again.

Peace out.

28 February 2014


Boys, if you can't find anything else to be thankful of for the day, BE GRATEFUL that you don't experience menstrual cramps once every month.

I used to be tortured once every month by this stupid cramps. Not mild one mind you. I would call them severe kind of pain because not only do I need to curl myself up on the bed for a good 30-40 minutes, I had to let out mild screams. Mild painful screams. To one point, I had to put hot boiling water into a glass bottle and put the bottle on my tummy/womb area. 

You know why? 

The pain of the hot water burning my skin is even more tolerable than the cramps itself. Just imagine that. Seriously imagine that. I was also told that giving birth is ten times worse. The cramps only go away after I swallow the bitter melted panadol. That also doesn't work its magic like instantly. By the time the pain is gone, there is absolutely no more energy left in the physical body. Once, I was sweating so much because of the intense pain and constant rolling on the bed, my sweat started dripping to the floor. I ended up having my head hanging by the bed.

Now, it isn't that bad already. I don't have to curl on the bed or burn my skin with hot water just to let the cramps go away. It becomes more bearable now.

So boys, serious. If you really don't know what to be thankful of, bear this in mind. It's probably like the pain you feel when you are kicked right there and having to go through them every month :)

Other than cramps, my mood swings pretty randomly, both in good ways and bad? Oh, and this is the only time I lose my appetite. I can go whole day without eating anything. Of course I will feel hungry but it's like I just force myself to swallow. The only time I lose some fats.

One thing that girls have in common. I have a friend who was born without a womb and the whole biological set that comes with it. So, that means she doesn't have period and she won't be able to have her own baby too. It's quite sad really. 

I'm just going to remain thankful for all this. Plus, Koay is super nice when I have these cramps. Super nice. LOVE IT! :)

27 February 2014

Itchy Hand.

I don't know why I decided to try on a new facial product when the previous one suits me just nicely and keeps my face so clean and smooth.

Now, ever since I use this new one, my face is like pimples habitat or something. FROM WHERE THEY COME FROM?

Or is it because of my stress lately? Or the weather? 

Okay, now I'm confused..

Anyways, have to waste money and get the previous one and this current one cannot use d lo. Sad case.

Maybe because the previous one has this on the front of the tube/bottle, ANTI AGEING.

MUST BE BECAUSE OF THIS that makes me want to change brand. Haha. 

It is a sign of me getting old when I start using this kind of product and loving it sumore.

Olay, here's one loyal customer in your list. Anything anti ageing eh, just send me an email about it. I will probably give it a try. 

Okay, I'm not actually that desperate to try on products that can make me look younger. I AM ALREADY NOT LOOKING LIKE MY AGE, which is totally 150% fine with me :)

Seven more days to Kim Chi Land.

05 February 2014

Tired Is An Understatement.







19 January 2014


Reporting live from youth park. 

Four hours ago, I was super motivated to run/jump/run again to start the get-fitter-operation. Then when the physical gets here, everything shuts down. Literally. New shoes so what. Lazy to the max. Maybe I'll just blame the age. Heh. 

And I kinda just enjoyed Magnum Chocolate & Strawberry while seeing people sweat. 

Okay time to balik kampung! :)

20 November 2013

The Only One.

As you can see or read in the previous post on the "MARATHON" that both Koay and I did last Sunday, we did not take any photos at all. Got too busy trying to finish the race. Hah.


07 October 2013


Just a 45 minutes lunch always makes it slightly better. I don't know if its the laughter in between or just the part where he holds my hand and keep them warm.

It's always when I am feeling unwell that he would sacrifice lunch with his colleagues and bring me go for porridge or koay teow th'ng when the former is closed. I'm blessed. 

Blessed even more because mom steamed fish knowing that my throat hurts and now my head is spinning in every direction.

I must be thankful, even being in the most uncomfortable situation.

Thank You God. Thank You.

And my soul sings 
Your love
It knows no end

11 September 2013

Ten Tips.

The happier you are, the less sleep you require to function in everyday life. Sadness increases the urge to sleep more.

When you're talking to someone, cross your arms to check if they're listening. If they cross theirs as well, they truly are.

Drinking chocolate milk has been proven to help relieve muscle soreness after a workout.

Taking short naps is actually more effective than taking longer ones.

Use a rubber band to remove a stripped screw

Falling air pressure causes pain in bird's ears, so if birds are flying low to the ground it almost always means a thunderstorm is coming.

Beauty sleep is not a myth, people who sleep more are more attractive than people who are sleep deprived.

If you're ever at a Japanese restaurant, never ever rub your chopsticks together. It's a gesture that's extremely offensive to the chef.

Sleeping on your right side helps you fall asleep faster than sleeping on your left.

How girls feel without mascara.

09 September 2013

Accidents Happen.

It can happen to anyone of us..

Okay, maybe I shouldn't quote this song since the song's meaning is so wrong in all levels. 

Crime scene: Parent's room.
Weapon: Baby diaper's giant safety pin.
Witness: Sha Lynn

How it happened: The witness was lying down on the bed munching on her mini drumstick
happily. I slided/mini-jumped and did not see that the safety pin was open, which at that time was pinning the blanket's cover and the blanket and then it happened. I let out quite a loud shout that it shock the witness a little. I thought it was just a scratch but then it started bleeding and now there's light bruises around the line. 

I told my mom that good thing it didn't like go in vertically, if not I sure pain like what onlyy! Thankful that it's just this.. Nothing more serious. 

In all painful times, must always look for a reason to be thankful. Heh :)

I know that this one don't have to blog about la but I have nothing else to blog about d. No inspiration so far so why not right. 

08 September 2013


I get tired so fast lately that it shocks me. I find myself needing to pause to catch a breath or needing to sleep more. 


01 July 2013


Sore everywhere.
Lil cough-ey.

I'm tired, physically.

I'm lost, mentally.

I don't know what I feel. Mixture of everything. Mabuk in all kinds of emotions. Hah.

The green one shall overwrites all the red ones.

On another note, MAS (Malaysia Airlines) having Business Class promo to Denpasar, Bali. Only RM585, inclusive of all surcharges and taxes and 30kg luggage allowance. MUST GET THIS PROMO!
Bali, I'm coming for you soooon! :)

23 May 2013

Thankful Thursday.

So, this week I only work on Monday and the rest of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, I'm on medical leave. And tomorrow, holiday. 

It's been quite a while ever since I have so many days of MC and it's not that fun though I know a lot of people will say that "Wah, no need wake up early!" and stuff like that. The thing is I still wake up at the usual time which is 8 every morning! But I still get myself back to the bed as the two eyes need as much rest as it can get. Even blogging and playing Tetris Battle makes it quite painful after a while. Sad heh. But IT IS getting better. Slowly but surely! :)

Not to mention that during these few days, I've lost weight too. No appetite and therefore, didn't eat that much. Even Koay realized that my tummy also smaller d. Hah. Speaking of him, few days ago when I had this eye thing and haven't seen the doc yet, I told him, "Can you just come kiss my eye to make me feel better ah?" and kissed my eyelid he did. Then, when I went to the doctor's, he said that the infection can only be passed through contact and not by just seeing me etc. So, I told Koay and he immediately freaked out. So funnyyy! I quickly prayed for God's protection over him. Phew.. :)

It's sixteen more hours till we hit the mad city again. This time, with his whole entire family :) I've gotta say I'm very excited to be spending the weekend with him and his family, doing fun stuff like going to the zoo and hitting Sunway Lagoon. Can you believe if I told you that I have NEVER been to Sunway Lagoon before? Yeah.. NEVER. Now, it's never too late to go there :) Two eyes of mine, you better be goods.

After this KL trip, it'll be Thailand. Only one day of rest in between. Speaking of that, I haven't even pack for any of these two trips. 

Okay, time to rest my eyes for a while now. 

Have a blessed Thursday, ya'll.

21 May 2013

12 Years Relationship.

So, I went to the Shaik's Eye Specialist this morning to FINALLY get my already-swollen-for-4-days-left-eye checked. 

I didn't think that the nurse and the doctor would remember me but they did. The last time I was there was in 2009 for a minor eye surgery and ever since then, my eyes have been so good until today.

They even remembered both my parents. 

After he looked at my eye and scribble some notes on the records, I took it up and looked to the front page. Guess what shocks me?

The fact that my very first visit to this place was 12 years ago. 12 YEARS AGO!! That's like when I was 13 years old. And that was my first minor eye surgery. Can't remember which eye was cut first. And then throughout the years, I had like total of 7 minor surgeries accumulated on both eyes (I think the left eye has gone through more times under the knife than the eye). Not only that, my last visit before this one was dated back in 2009. Crazy man. Crazy to think that this is one place that I often go last time, like it's my "favorite"place to be. Hah. Well, when I have some annoying eye condition, it is definitely my number one place in priority. Go there sure heal eh. And heal very fast sumore :)

Hoping that this infection will heal by Thursday. Wouldn't want to be looking/feeling like this for his family trip this Friday. 

And, I have got two days of medical leave. Yay to a lot of sleep and rest and spending time a home with baby girl. 

On another note, there is absolutely no appetite now. i just drowned my bowl of rice with mom's homemade corn/wintermelon soup. I need/want my appetite back for tonight's dinner date. It's Japanese fine dine tonight yo. Actually I don't know if it's fine dine or not. I think it's not la. Though the menu is quite fancy. And we won't like spend money on fine dining because it's just not our style. Let's hope groupon/livingsocial/mydeals (can't remember where we got it from) doesn't disappoint us. 

Terrific Tuesday to you all :)

19 May 2013

Swollen Sat/Sun.

A weekend with one swollen left eye is no fun at all. It's a struggle to keep the eye open most of the time, but still gotta open the eye what rightt. Hah. And after every few minutes, my vision will be blurred with some watery-pus-thingy. Because I wiped it so often, the skin that surrounds my eye hurts so bad. Appreciate it if you guys could keep me in your prayer :)

Anyways, aside from that, it has been quite a nice Saturday and Sunday (although I woke up at 6am today necause of really bad womb-cramp). It's not like those that I did a lot and stuff like that. It's more of a week where I really rested and spent some nice romantic/playful time with Koay. He bought goldmedalribbon for me just now because I was kinda like craving for it. Heh :)

And now, I'm skipping captain ball because I need to rest again before Sha Lynn's one complete month's dinner tonight. I do really miss playing captain ball, like a lot. 

So now I shall go sleep while waiting for Koay to come home from his futsal session with my brother in law's brother in law :)

Have a great Sunday, ya'll! :)

02 March 2013

Salty Sweat.

Today, the three of us woke up an hour early to get prepared for our weekly Saturday training. First time of going back there after six months plus. All are excited. I was too sleepy to join in their excitement. So sleepy till I drove to the wrong place. Good thing we were not late when we went to the right venue. Hah.

Anyways, holding that favorite stick of mine after so long feels so so good. I never thought that I have missed playing it so badly. You know, I do miss it but it's like the moment I held it, my world just came together. Of course there were fitness sessions into it. That, I don't miss so much. Holding the stick and chasing after the ball is so much more enjoyable. 

Kelly definitely played more of floorball too today. She really went for it, you know. Like charging towards the opponent for the ball. Not bad my kiddo. Vanessa Khoo leh, well she have more stamina than me. We did suicide rounds today and she was for sure faster than me by a lot! Like a lot a lot! 

Here's to many more training and sweating while we still can :)

16 February 2013

Challenge #1: Stairs.

Before 2012 ended, I had in mind that I would do something different in 2013. Something that I have never done before. Something that will challenge me, whether mentally, physically or emotionally or in any way.

I took a 6 months break from any physical activities due to some health issues back in 2012, and it is now decided that I want back in into exercise and sports and some running. One major problem, that's all. My stamina is now in negative. Like really negative, and I'm becoming more lazy that I have ever been. Don't know if its because age is catching up, but whatever it is, it has got to stop.

I actually miss playing floorball. Like a lot. So, before I resume my weekly training every Saturday, I thought perhaps I need to do certain things to slowly gain back the stamina that I've lost (yes, I'd like to think that last time my stamina quite good. Heh :P).

And so.. I came up with this challenge.


A very simple challenge, but with the level of my laziness now, it's gonna be a tough one. But if I did it, it increases my mental strength, stamina and probably would help firm my behind :) 

So, everyday (with no day off) I will have to WALK UP the stairs whether it's at home or going to the office. One thing about this challenge is that I don't have to walk down using stairs. Just the going UP part. Cool huh.

The challenge supposed to start the day after my birthday but it got delayed because I was not "ready"! Finally, decided to focus and put my mind into it and started on the 15th. So far, so good. We (Koay decided to join in when he's with me) wanted to climb 23 floors up to Julian and Yee Ling's amazing home last night but couldn't cos their stairs are locked up for security purposes. Another plus points to getting a house at Surin. 

There is no limit to any challenge I'm gonna give myself. You know, like one week don't use Twitter and stuff like that. Anything of my challenge will have to be an ongoing one. So, I am being very careful when I create one for myself. I want to make sure I can do it and at the same time, it challenges me.

I'm actually in the midst of going into Challenge #2! To be revealed real soon..

13 September 2012

Poison of Two.

The worst thing that could happen to two food bloggers (jokes on us, hah)


The funny thing was it's NOT our first time getting this at the same time because of the same food that we ate. 
What's more funny is that it's also NOT the first time that we got it from the same food brand.

First time:
We were just probably 20 minutes before a movie and we decided to get something to eat in the cinema. I was craving for sushi so we decided to get sushi. And we opted for Jusco's sushi in Queensbay since it's cheaper and we were kinda rushing too. We got the one with many different choices. And the next thing we know, we were super sick the next day, with all that vomiting and diarrhoea going on. 

Second time: 
Same thing. Before a movie, I wanted something light to eat. i didn't want sushi obviously cos we knew they don't sell fresh sushi. So, i went and buy some fried potato strips thingy! Jusco's one! And it tasted horribleee! And then, we got this. THIS HORRIBLE FEELING OF YOUR BODY BEING SO WEAK! And we both got so many medicines because of Jusco! Pffft! 

Definitely no more Jusco's light food for me, anymore. Shuckssss.



Got 2 days MC because of it. Good also la since I really needed a good long rest. And now, it's back to work.