05 September 2018


Just realized that I did not blog about anything in the month of August - crazy.

It just seems like as of lately whenever I have free time, I prefer to use them to sleep or hang out with people. Then again, free time is quite difficult to have now.

But still, thankful for my mom and mom-in-law for always saying yes to take care of the little boss so we could sometimes go for quick dinner dates.

I shall try to come back here more often.

In the meantime, I am dreaming of holidays but at the same time, I feel quite scared because now got a baby to travel with and we all know that Alex is a cry-baby - like seriously he would win the baby-crying-competition - in all kinds of categories: the longest and the loudest.

But still, I will continue to dream of holidays (preferably outside of Malaysia) but if not, I will still take it. Heh.

Till then.