"Why you need to take engagement photoshoot?"
Why not?
Initially, it was supposed to be for our pre-wedding but later on I realized that we would have to rent our dresses or wear casual style. I have no idea how we finally decided that we want to have a nice-in-bridal-gown-and-coat kind of pre-wedding photoshoot so we just leave that part to My Dream Wedding to settle for us.
I may have said this too many times, but we both super love the photos that Shaun from onemustardseed has taken of us.
We met up for lunch on one of the days and after a lot of research, we found this place to be of what we would like our photoshoot to be - rustic-ish and simple. Sekeping Victoria serves not only coffee, tea and drinks but also proper lunch meals like burgers and pastas.
Okay, I'm not here to promote the food okay. To be honest, their food and me not really at the same page. I don't really like them?
It was quite a short photoshoot as we did them over lunch but it was enough for us. We had so much laughter doing this, and it's mostly because we all know each other fairly well so yeah. That and we're so awkwardly romantic if I can say that.
Time to let you guys feast your eyes :)

Once again, BIG SHOUT-OUT TO THE MOST AMAZING SHAUN TENG for all the photos! Hah. We love them so much I'm going to print out and stick all of them all over my new room's wall. Heh. Maybe not all since our wall is quite limited, but you get what I mean. Hah.
Next up, our pre-wedding photoshoot is happening so soon, like in a months' time OH MY GOODNESS I still have the double chin and I don't think it's going to disappear in a months' time.
Thank God for photoshop! HAHA!
Bye now.