Okay, just a quick and short one for the boy who celebrates being twenty-five today.
You have shown me so many things through your life and seeing your journey from someone who was once upon a time so sure that Jesus was just another person/story to someone who has encountered Him and walking this path with Him being in the center of your life wows me.
Your kindness is mind-blowing and your humility teaches me to be one every day.
I'm thankful that I get to spend many more birthdays with you and my prayer for you is that you will never give up on going after Him and fulfilling His will in your life.
Thank you for always being that bigger person okay. Thank you for always trying to make me smile when that's the last thing I want to do. Thank you for not being afraid to be yourself when you're with me. Thank you for letting me be part of your humble life.
Lastly, thank you for loving me with all my imperfections and weaknesses.
I hope you had a great time today and I love you :)
Blessed two-five, Adrian Koay :)