What a lazy afternoon it has been. We just came back from teatime snack at Johor Road with Sha Lynn.
Less than seven days to another quick getaway. It's going to be Thailand again. Wheeee.
Whether it's truly the lemon water or not, my shorts seems to have gotten bigger.
My goldii charges really fast I hope it's not just because it's still new. Please be like this forever!
I need to clean my room. Re-organize everything.
My luggage is still stranded in the airport.
Koay prefers to eat western food at Mizi than Japanese wagyu beef at Miraku Restaurant for his birthday.
There are ants on my table and in my keyboard. I don't even eat in my room. No one is allowed to. What are they even here for?
I just ordered online for a slim casing of Snow White holding the apple. It looks so good in image I hope in real life even better.
Just realized how empty my bed is. I only have a blanket, a pillow and a smaller pillow to hug.
My passport is going to expire in March 2015. Next time I renew, it's going to be for 5 years straight.
I've been replaying 'Close' by Hillsongs Young and Free for like 10 million times.