Let's get random again.
Okay, today I tak boleh. No idea at all how to start or what to start. Mind's all blank.
I feel today my body is lacking of something. I think its sleep. I think..
I can't wait for swimming session later to usher in Independence Day with people I love so much. Once a fireBRANDS, always and forever will be a fireBRANDS :)
This weekend is already properly planned out. I'm hoping that I still have time to rest in between the "events" and by that I meant sleep. SLEEP.
Okayla, done rambling nonsense already. Oh oh, I'm at Exodus 3 already :)
30 August 2013
29 August 2013
Luggage Talk.
So we both just had one of the most intense debate-almost-argument about luggage sets.
I found them in Groupon, and they are like RM389 for three sets of hardcase luggages.
So intense that we ended up laughing and he calling me on the phone to verify if I understood some of the things that he said in Skype. SO FUNNY!
And first time ever, he typed the longest comment/explanation/story ever in my whole entire of 4-5 years of knowing him! *claps* And seriously, that clap is not sarcastic. It's just good to know that luggage makes you talk, or money, or just me buying something online. Hah.
Oh, how I love you so :)
I found them in Groupon, and they are like RM389 for three sets of hardcase luggages.
So intense that we ended up laughing and he calling me on the phone to verify if I understood some of the things that he said in Skype. SO FUNNY!
And first time ever, he typed the longest comment/explanation/story ever in my whole entire of 4-5 years of knowing him! *claps* And seriously, that clap is not sarcastic. It's just good to know that luggage makes you talk, or money, or just me buying something online. Hah.
Oh, how I love you so :)
28 August 2013
27 August 2013
That Cycling Weekend.
I have no idea how many times I have gone cycling around the heritage areas, ever since it became the Penang-must-do-things. Probably three or four times. This time different though since we decided to go cycle when the sun is up and shinning. And honestly, I kinda prefer this one to the night cycling one. Maybe because this time, we rented BETTER and NICER LOOKING bicycles from much FRIENDLIER owners, compared to Red Inn. Blehh. And they even have couple of bikes and bring-your-kids-bikes.
Photos are all taken with the ever-so-clear-iPhone 5 and they are in random orders because it's still too early in the morning and I'm feeling a little lazy to put them nicely and add captions to it. A moment like these, I treasure much.
We need to have more of these outings on weekends or public holidays. Here's to hoping that the next one would be Gua Tempurung. AND ANYONE CAN JOIN US! Please just come and tell me that you want to go too! Don't feel like, "Aiyo, they never invite me" and "I don't want self-invite" all.
I bet there are so many of you, have never been to Gua Tempurung. I DO HOPE THAT YOU HEARD ABOUT IT BEFORE! :)
Photos are all taken with the ever-so-clear-iPhone 5 and they are in random orders because it's still too early in the morning and I'm feeling a little lazy to put them nicely and add captions to it. A moment like these, I treasure much.
We need to have more of these outings on weekends or public holidays. Here's to hoping that the next one would be Gua Tempurung. AND ANYONE CAN JOIN US! Please just come and tell me that you want to go too! Don't feel like, "Aiyo, they never invite me" and "I don't want self-invite" all.
I bet there are so many of you, have never been to Gua Tempurung. I DO HOPE THAT YOU HEARD ABOUT IT BEFORE! :)
26 August 2013
Tumblr Not.
I almost created a Tumblr AGAIN. Wait, not almost. I actually did.
Just that feeling of needing to do something totally our of the blue and then the next thing I know I was typing T U M B L R onto google tab.
Then, key-ed in the email and password and start searching for people to follow. After finding so few, I went to the Settings and Delete Tumblr Permanently.
Like that also syiok. Heh.
What is wrong with me? I had two tumblr accounts before. No idea why I deleted themtwice three times counting this one too.
All the spontaneous things that makes me feel happy again. Speaking of that, now I'm craving for butter cookies. Wah, super random and unrelated wei.
This is Monday madness.
A small part of me is glad that August is going to be over soon. It has been pretty rough month. I think in just this month, we argued quite a lot. Some really small ones and some really huge ones. But then again, what is a relationship without arguments, right? Glad to know it's him I'm arguing with and not someone else. Gotta be thankful for hard-annoying-times too :)
Just that feeling of needing to do something totally our of the blue and then the next thing I know I was typing T U M B L R onto google tab.
Then, key-ed in the email and password and start searching for people to follow. After finding so few, I went to the Settings and Delete Tumblr Permanently.
Like that also syiok. Heh.
What is wrong with me? I had two tumblr accounts before. No idea why I deleted them
All the spontaneous things that makes me feel happy again. Speaking of that, now I'm craving for butter cookies. Wah, super random and unrelated wei.
This is Monday madness.
A small part of me is glad that August is going to be over soon. It has been pretty rough month. I think in just this month, we argued quite a lot. Some really small ones and some really huge ones. But then again, what is a relationship without arguments, right? Glad to know it's him I'm arguing with and not someone else. Gotta be thankful for hard-annoying-times too :)
25 August 2013
23 August 2013
A Gift From Patong.
I got my first football jersey top/blouse from the boy yesterday.

Just how I like it. Colorful and upbeat-ish :)
It's a lil too big now for me? I don't know.. Some areas are lose and some other places, it's just pretty tight. And it's a pretty long top.
So for now it's my pajamas. Quite comfy to sleep in. Quite.
Thank you, you long-eye-lashes-with-such-a-big-tukau-head-that-has-weird-hairstyle-allthetime-and-a-big-heart-for-people-and-your-super-kiau-butt-for-a-guy-but-I-still-love-you-boy!
22 August 2013
Haagen Daaz.
What's up with weird expensive cravings these days? I also don't really know why I need to blog about them. I guess somehow its therapeutic. Either that, or it helps in making it go away. Or trying to hint Koay about it. Wait, definitely not the last reason. We don't work that way. We don't do subtle messages. I want something, I tell staright. How he respond to it, that's another story. Vice versa heh.
I want it so badlythat I went to their website and see what to order if we go tonight. IF. Since it's Koay's mom's birthday tonight, I could treat them to a nice warm chocolate-y fondue for dessert.
You can always have what you want to eat no matter what occasion it is. If got no occasion, then make something up for it. I have a few for tonight actually if it's just a normal night. First, Sha Lynn took her two jabs this morning and doctor said her development for a four months old baby is pretty advanced. Second, Koay finally came back and we should have something sweet like fondue. Third, it's been so long since I last have fondue. See! All has their own reasons to have this night celebrated! Haha :) Oh, and to support it all, Belisa Row is like so close to home! Or Baskin Robbin's ice cream is too sweet and they don't have fondue like this. Whatever it takes, we shall all have fondue tonight. *fingers crossed*
Oh ya. My previous craving for macarons was fulfilled last night. Gurney Plaza's lower ground floor. Just behind Boost. NOT NICE AT ALL. There is no chewy chewy feeling in the middle. RM4.50 for one. Bleh. No good, but it was satisfying that that craving is done deal :)
I want it so badlythat I went to their website and see what to order if we go tonight. IF. Since it's Koay's mom's birthday tonight, I could treat them to a nice warm chocolate-y fondue for dessert.
You can always have what you want to eat no matter what occasion it is. If got no occasion, then make something up for it. I have a few for tonight actually if it's just a normal night. First, Sha Lynn took her two jabs this morning and doctor said her development for a four months old baby is pretty advanced. Second, Koay finally came back and we should have something sweet like fondue. Third, it's been so long since I last have fondue. See! All has their own reasons to have this night celebrated! Haha :) Oh, and to support it all, Belisa Row is like so close to home! Or Baskin Robbin's ice cream is too sweet and they don't have fondue like this. Whatever it takes, we shall all have fondue tonight. *fingers crossed*
Oh ya. My previous craving for macarons was fulfilled last night. Gurney Plaza's lower ground floor. Just behind Boost. NOT NICE AT ALL. There is no chewy chewy feeling in the middle. RM4.50 for one. Bleh. No good, but it was satisfying that that craving is done deal :)
21 August 2013
The 8th Month.
Does it hit you, any of you that it's second last week of August already?
Like another one week, and that's the end of the eighth month this year. That means there is still four months left to this year. Only four months. If that isn't bothering you, I don't know what is.
So fast heh. Baby girl also already four months old.
I'm just so bored at work right now I don't know what to do. Well, other than doing the usual things that is.
Okayla, I will enjoy tonight's smurfs 2 like it's a holiday week. HAHA.
Oh oh, and happy 19th monthsary bangla :)
Like another one week, and that's the end of the eighth month this year. That means there is still four months left to this year. Only four months. If that isn't bothering you, I don't know what is.
So fast heh. Baby girl also already four months old.
I'm just so bored at work right now I don't know what to do. Well, other than doing the usual things that is.
Okayla, I will enjoy tonight's smurfs 2 like it's a holiday week. HAHA.
Oh oh, and happy 19th monthsary bangla :)
20 August 2013
Macaroons And Macarons.
It's one of those days where you wake up, wanting to eat something really badly.
Today was one of those day for me.
I tweeted this:
Today was one of those day for me.
I tweeted this:
only to realize that MACAROONS are these *points below*
So yeah. No I mean no. It's not MACAROONS that I am craving for.
What I really want to have now are those! *scroll down*
The funny thing is I never crave for sweet things like this. NEVER. Definitely not MACARONS. I tried them once and remembered that I didn't really like them that much. I actually felt that it was overrated kind of dessert, but lookie here. LOOK WHO WANTS TO EAT THEM NOW?
Life and all its unpredictable things.
Oh yeah, since I'm talking about it here because I have nothing else to talk about, I might as well tell you the difference between MACAROONS and MACARONS. Everyone learn new things everyday heh.
MACAROONS are coconut cookies.
MACARONS are cute french pastries.
Now you know.
You're welcome :)
19 August 2013
17 August 2013
Bitter-Sweet End.
Really last game d.
Chapter really close d.
No big drama and hoohaa all, but well, I've learnt so much in these few years that other things in life never kinda really teach/show. One last game. Campus Gives Back. A charity event. Why not right?
I've always been given the blessing to just kinda end things well in my own expectation. I'm not sure if you can really understand what I mean.
You see, when I ended my Starbucks Chapter after working as a part-time barista for two years at a different span of time (6 months at two different place separately), my last day at New World Park's branch was amazing! The last cup of coffee I made that night was a Venti Latte for an elderly Caucasian woman. It was perfect. Perfect two shots of espresso. Perfect skimmed milk with no bubbles. Perfect visual of the end product. I was amazed. That's why I can still remember it. IT WAS THE BEST COFFEE I'VE MADE, in visual terms la :)
And this time, it felt good that I actually get to score two goals. Two goals into that mini blue thing. Haha. Yeah, two isn't a lot. But two was at least something for me, considering that I have been so lousy in playing floorball lately. It felt good. It felt perfect. We won third place and that is something for me. Still got medal, not bad heh.
Bitter-sweet feeling to close this one. If it's not for floorball, I would not have pushed myself further than what I thought my limit was. Mental strength that I've gained. So many new friends I've met. The love (at times) to run and sweat. To have met the best friend. To have seen how Christ have been glorified.
Though me no more playing, me is gonna still watch for sure. I still enjoy watching floorball matches every now and then. Actually that's how I came to like it, when I was watching the games at Dalat long time ago :)
So yeah. Story of my life continues. Now I have a new ongoing hobby :) Loving it every single time. Genesis twenty nine now :)
Goodnight guys.
Chapter really close d.
No big drama and hoohaa all, but well, I've learnt so much in these few years that other things in life never kinda really teach/show. One last game. Campus Gives Back. A charity event. Why not right?
I've always been given the blessing to just kinda end things well in my own expectation. I'm not sure if you can really understand what I mean.
You see, when I ended my Starbucks Chapter after working as a part-time barista for two years at a different span of time (6 months at two different place separately), my last day at New World Park's branch was amazing! The last cup of coffee I made that night was a Venti Latte for an elderly Caucasian woman. It was perfect. Perfect two shots of espresso. Perfect skimmed milk with no bubbles. Perfect visual of the end product. I was amazed. That's why I can still remember it. IT WAS THE BEST COFFEE I'VE MADE, in visual terms la :)
And this time, it felt good that I actually get to score two goals. Two goals into that mini blue thing. Haha. Yeah, two isn't a lot. But two was at least something for me, considering that I have been so lousy in playing floorball lately. It felt good. It felt perfect. We won third place and that is something for me. Still got medal, not bad heh.
Though me no more playing, me is gonna still watch for sure. I still enjoy watching floorball matches every now and then. Actually that's how I came to like it, when I was watching the games at Dalat long time ago :)
So yeah. Story of my life continues. Now I have a new ongoing hobby :) Loving it every single time. Genesis twenty nine now :)
Goodnight guys.
16 August 2013
What Love Really Means.
He cries in the corner where nobody sees
He's the kid with the story no one would believe
He prays every night, "Dear God won't you please...
Could you send someone here who will love me?"
Who will love me for me
Not for what I have done or what I will become
Who will love me for me
'Cause nobody has shown me what love
What love really means
Her office is shrinking a little each day
She's the woman whose husband has run away
She'll go to the gym after working today
Maybe if she was thinner then he would've stayed
And she says...
Who will love me for me?
Not for what I have done or what I will become
Who will love me for me?
'Cause nobody has shown me what love, what love really means
He's waiting to die as he sits all alone
He's a man in a cell who regrets what he's done
He utters a cry from the depths of his soul
"Oh Lord, forgive me, I want to go home"
Then he heard a voice somewhere deep inside
And it said
"I know you've murdered and I know you've lied
I have watched you suffer all of your life
And now that you'll listen, I'll tell you that I..."
I will love you for you
Not for what you have done or what you will become
I will love you for you
I will give you the love
The love that you never knew
I was driving along the highway back to the island via Penang Bridge and this song played. Tears rolled down my cheeks without me even realizing it. It was one of God's greatest-chun-nest reminder. Everyone needs that once in a while, if not everyday :)
So, here's a reminder (play the song and follow the lyrics if you may) to those who reads this and my prayer is that you know you are loved because of who you are, and not for what you have done or what you will become.
The ultimate LOVE that never fails, Jesus.
14 August 2013
One Year Five Days.
Speak of CRAZY and FAST.
I can never be able to grasp howlong short it has been since I started this Work Chapter. The flashback photos of when I sat at this desk and slowly starting to fill the things on the table are still very fresh and unreal.
I am tied to a two-year contract and I'm halfway there. No matter how long I have been working, it's still difficult to let it sink that this is what LIFE is gonna be (partly) since a year ago. No more college-party-watch movie anytime anymore. It's all gonna be work and earn money, whether working for other people or doing own business.
I am thankful for the experience I've gained over this one year. It's been fun and exciting. At the same time, I'm really thankful that I've been given the chance to join in so many projects and travel fairs.
Will I go back to Club Med Cherating again? No. Because I want to go the other Club Meds in the world. Gotta try new things right? Oh yeah, Club Med Cherating is the FIRST Club Med property built in the whole of South-East Asia. Cool heh?
Club med Phuket is my next target, I think. Fingers all crossed and prayers prayed. Hopefully, the next time I go, it would be with a bunch of good friends and family :) Ahhh, all the fruit juices and finger-licking food to be indulged in. Oooh. Hopes are high, so what? Keep hoping la :)
Entering into my second year makes me more confident people in the things I do. Definitely enjoy meeting people, in large or small companies. Okla, don't really want to go so much in details on things like that. There are obviously bumps on the way and how I hated starting work on Mondays. That sucks, just for anybody. So, it's like everyone's-problem-on-Mondays. CONFIRM!
Good news for everyone. It's finally Wednesday! Two more days to weekends! Weird, but somehow I'm not looking forward to this week's weekend. Hmmmph.
See you all there :)
I can never be able to grasp how
I am tied to a two-year contract and I'm halfway there. No matter how long I have been working, it's still difficult to let it sink that this is what LIFE is gonna be (partly) since a year ago. No more college-party-watch movie anytime anymore. It's all gonna be work and earn money, whether working for other people or doing own business.

Not to also mention, the FREE All-Inclusive-Holiday that I was given. Club Med Cherating is one of the most amazing holidays I've ever been to. The food, the people, the deluxe room, the activities, the place. All are very good. And we even got to join them celebrating some event (I can't remember whether it was for Christmas or New Year's Eve or something) and watched fireworks from like the VIP place, sort of. Open-air party in the garden just beside the beach. AMAZING!
Will I go back to Club Med Cherating again? No. Because I want to go the other Club Meds in the world. Gotta try new things right? Oh yeah, Club Med Cherating is the FIRST Club Med property built in the whole of South-East Asia. Cool heh?
Club med Phuket is my next target, I think. Fingers all crossed and prayers prayed. Hopefully, the next time I go, it would be with a bunch of good friends and family :) Ahhh, all the fruit juices and finger-licking food to be indulged in. Oooh. Hopes are high, so what? Keep hoping la :)
Entering into my second year makes me more confident people in the things I do. Definitely enjoy meeting people, in large or small companies. Okla, don't really want to go so much in details on things like that. There are obviously bumps on the way and how I hated starting work on Mondays. That sucks, just for anybody. So, it's like everyone's-problem-on-Mondays. CONFIRM!
Good news for everyone. It's finally Wednesday! Two more days to weekends! Weird, but somehow I'm not looking forward to this week's weekend. Hmmmph.
See you all there :)
13 August 2013
Campur Semua.
The second day of the week and I feel bleh.
Not because I have to work, but the fact that last night when I went home after work, the first thing I did was go towards Sha Lynn, whom at that time was crying stones and rocks. Like so loudly and she won't even stop. We even thought at one point that maybe she was feeling unwell in her tummy or stuff. Manatau, she went back home and she started chatting with her daddy. So yeah. The conclusion is that she suddenly doesn't recognize any of the Khoos. IT WAS SUCH A SAD NIGHT :(
This morning, I went over to see her but couldn't really spend time with her because she was still three-quarter half asleep. I said three-quarter because when I was there, her eyes were moving and her eyelids opened once in a while to check me out).
Then, over lunch today, I went back home and she's back to all smiles when I play with her :) Hooray! Mom even said next time cannot bring her to go vacation for too long already. Haha.
Okay next. Bangla is going on a cruise holiday with his family in four days time. He's gonna fly to Merlion City with his lookalike-sister and then cruises back here to Penang (where his parents will then join in) then to Phuket. Superstar Virgo okayy! That's like the business class of MAS in the cruise world. Everything is top-notch. His family is just blessed with family friends who cruise all year long and they get to tag along and no need to pay for anything! SUPER BLESSED! :)
Such fun times he's gonna have on board. And during his trip, there will be no line whatsoever. So, it's totalfreedom/torture for the whole week next week. Actually, not so bad la.
Oh oh speaking of line and communication! There were so many times when I actually forgot where my phone was and when somebody I know took it and kept fo me, I actually felt sad. HAHA. I ACTUALLY WANT MY HANDPHONE TO BE LOST AND NEVER FOUND! Yeah, so that I have a valid reason to get my Q10. Super downz la.
The time will come when I can finally hold my baby in the palm of my hands :) One day..
I will eat my Kit Kat now and re-stock them tonight.
Not because I have to work, but the fact that last night when I went home after work, the first thing I did was go towards Sha Lynn, whom at that time was crying stones and rocks. Like so loudly and she won't even stop. We even thought at one point that maybe she was feeling unwell in her tummy or stuff. Manatau, she went back home and she started chatting with her daddy. So yeah. The conclusion is that she suddenly doesn't recognize any of the Khoos. IT WAS SUCH A SAD NIGHT :(
This morning, I went over to see her but couldn't really spend time with her because she was still three-quarter half asleep. I said three-quarter because when I was there, her eyes were moving and her eyelids opened once in a while to check me out).
Then, over lunch today, I went back home and she's back to all smiles when I play with her :) Hooray! Mom even said next time cannot bring her to go vacation for too long already. Haha.
Okay next. Bangla is going on a cruise holiday with his family in four days time. He's gonna fly to Merlion City with his lookalike-sister and then cruises back here to Penang (where his parents will then join in) then to Phuket. Superstar Virgo okayy! That's like the business class of MAS in the cruise world. Everything is top-notch. His family is just blessed with family friends who cruise all year long and they get to tag along and no need to pay for anything! SUPER BLESSED! :)
Such fun times he's gonna have on board. And during his trip, there will be no line whatsoever. So, it's total
Oh oh speaking of line and communication! There were so many times when I actually forgot where my phone was and when somebody I know took it and kept fo me, I actually felt sad. HAHA. I ACTUALLY WANT MY HANDPHONE TO BE LOST AND NEVER FOUND! Yeah, so that I have a valid reason to get my Q10. Super downz la.
The time will come when I can finally hold my baby in the palm of my hands :) One day..
I will eat my Kit Kat now and re-stock them tonight.
11 August 2013
Exercise Feel.
Just one of the RANDOM and totally UNEXPECTED days when I suddenly WANT to run as much as I can or do anything that sweats pig.
That kind of day doesn't come very often.
And yes, I did run a few rounds today, because according to my tweets, I wanted to do so to "make" me forget about how I want Q10 so badly. Now, it's coming back.. Okayy..
10 August 2013
Quick Write.
Finally, I could have some me-time to sit down and do nothing watch tv and blog a little, since the father is futsal-ing with the bangla and his buddies.
The past two days have been busy and packed with fun stuff/outings. Two nights in a row slept at 2-3am! No wonder pimples all are here to visit :)
Not to mention how much I miss the sister and her baby. Gahh. Separation like this is torturing. Two more days and I'm gonna just stay home and play with baby girl.
All wrapped up like a little cute thing! Ishhh. *cubits*
Also, I have been to most, if not all the shopping malls in Penang because Koay wants to get a pair of shades for the upcoming cruise to Singapore and Phuket.
And he still haven't bought them yet.
Raya holiday means a lot of makan sessions. We went to a friend's place on Friday, but even in my own house, there's always that holiday mood. Mom's yummy chocolate cake covered with melted-peanut-butter-choc-cream. I don't know what that is really called la. But it's sweet and thumbs up :)
And we have been eating so much lately I have no idea why. So stressful okay. Not only the tummy, but every other area is expanding also. A lot of things doesn't fit anymore. This is really sad. Time to REALLY do something. REALLY!
Oh, and tonight we got another makan-makan celebration for his mom's early birthday! Eat again. What's new right?
I was sleeping in my room while he left for football, only to find him home after 5 minutes he left my house and talking to my mom outside my room. My door not closed so I can hear them. I didn't bother la. I sleeping so nicely, conquering the whole center part of my bed d whatt. He came in, and lied down at the small side next to me and..
He: Babe..
Me: *mumbles* Hmm..
He: Later we go eat that one la okay?
Me: *no answer* *cos I was waiting for him to say where*
He: Hello? Attitude lo you. People talking to you.
Me: *very softly* You never finish your sentence also.. *I was very sleepy that time*
Me: *straights jumps up and looked at him* SERIOUSLYY!? YAY!!!
Imagine I was so happy to be able to eat fish steamboat that I even agreed to go Paragon after that to continue searching for his shades, but ended up carrying Cotton On's shopping bag home and ALMOST got myself a nice comfy women's coat. CRAZYY. Then, I had four glasses of red wine with his buddies at Precinct 10 till 2am and supper at Jiao Sai. Long night but so good catching up with his friends after so long :)
Alright. Till next time.
The past two days have been busy and packed with fun stuff/outings. Two nights in a row slept at 2-3am! No wonder pimples all are here to visit :)

All wrapped up like a little cute thing! Ishhh. *cubits*
Also, I have been to most, if not all the shopping malls in Penang because Koay wants to get a pair of shades for the upcoming cruise to Singapore and Phuket.
And he still haven't bought them yet.
Raya holiday means a lot of makan sessions. We went to a friend's place on Friday, but even in my own house, there's always that holiday mood. Mom's yummy chocolate cake covered with melted-peanut-butter-choc-cream. I don't know what that is really called la. But it's sweet and thumbs up :)

Oh, and tonight we got another makan-makan celebration for his mom's early birthday! Eat again. What's new right?
I was sleeping in my room while he left for football, only to find him home after 5 minutes he left my house and talking to my mom outside my room. My door not closed so I can hear them. I didn't bother la. I sleeping so nicely, conquering the whole center part of my bed d whatt. He came in, and lied down at the small side next to me and..
He: Babe..
Me: *mumbles* Hmm..
He: Later we go eat that one la okay?
Me: *no answer* *cos I was waiting for him to say where*
He: Hello? Attitude lo you. People talking to you.
Me: *very softly* You never finish your sentence also.. *I was very sleepy that time*
Me: *straights jumps up and looked at him* SERIOUSLYY!? YAY!!!
Imagine I was so happy to be able to eat fish steamboat that I even agreed to go Paragon after that to continue searching for his shades, but ended up carrying Cotton On's shopping bag home and ALMOST got myself a nice comfy women's coat. CRAZYY. Then, I had four glasses of red wine with his buddies at Precinct 10 till 2am and supper at Jiao Sai. Long night but so good catching up with his friends after so long :)
Alright. Till next time.
06 August 2013
Genesis 22.
It has been twenty days since I started writing the Bible.
That's about a chapter a day.
It has been fulfilling much for the soul.
Okay, I'm quite proud of myself. Some days I didn't have anytime to write because there's things to do and places to go. Certain days I can write up to three chapters.
You're probably like thinking that it's only three, but let me tell you this first book is quite long for most of the chapters. It's mad and fun.
That's about a chapter a day.
It has been fulfilling much for the soul.
Okay, I'm quite proud of myself. Some days I didn't have anytime to write because there's things to do and places to go. Certain days I can write up to three chapters.
You're probably like thinking that it's only three, but let me tell you this first book is quite long for most of the chapters. It's mad and fun.
05 August 2013
Panaroma Week.
Monday blue so what?
Blogging always helps it become better.
So, this week I have been so obsessed with taking panaroma photos I have no idea why. Just some of the usual activities over the weekend every now and then. Sometimes, it feels like my weekends make me more tired than the usual working weekdays.
Oh wellz.
Blogging always helps it become better.
So, this week I have been so obsessed with taking panaroma photos I have no idea why. Just some of the usual activities over the weekend every now and then. Sometimes, it feels like my weekends make me more tired than the usual working weekdays.
Oh wellz.
04 August 2013
03 August 2013
Sleepy Saturday.
Hardly got any sleep last night because the little girl was so grumpy. She even let out a really loud cry/shout in the middle of the night. Straight no need sleep this thai maid. Haha.
Woke up at 10-ish, went out for two hours and came back slept again till 30 minutes ago.
Today is World's International Sleepy Day, confirm!
Woke up at 10-ish, went out for two hours and came back slept again till 30 minutes ago.
Today is World's International Sleepy Day, confirm!
02 August 2013
Mutiple Personalities.
This video puts a smile on my face. Ohh, why are you so funny Ryan? I think I can humbly say that I'm one of those fan of yours. You are just way too funny. LOVE ALL YOUR VIDEOS!
Everyone, have a relaxing weekend. I know I'm gonna make sure this week is gonna be a relaxed one. Time to spend days with baby girl before she leaves to OZ.
01 August 2013
Bag Organizer.

And one thing I really hate is when I need to find my keys in the ocean of things! Goodness. Especially if it's at night and there's no light OR when Koay decided to dump his everything inside and then I have to find them. Lazy to do all that. Oh and when it gets heavy, it's even more crazy.
So, as I was online browsing through, I saw this bag-organizer thing and immediately I knew I have gotta get this and get my stuff organized. It finally arrived last night and boy, was I a happy lil girl.

So yeah, bought two colors so Rachel Khoo can use it also. Since now she have so many things to bring/carry whenever she's out. I think she's using a purple one. Not sure heh.
So for now, I'm loving this, a lot.
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