10 April 2013

That Today.

THAT moment when we had to have quickie lunch because I have a movie date with crazy peeps and he has to work tonight.

THAT moment when we had the most simple lunch ever.

THAT moment when I see Kelly's face during lunch.

THAT moment when my name appears on BOOST's What's Your Name Game again, in like less than a year.

THAT moment when Kelly says bye to me so many times after lunch and adda "I love you" to it.

THAT moment when the BOOST drink I received turns both mom and Koay's face when they drank it. Too sour.

THAT moment when it's raining and all I'm thinking off is a glass of wine and long night of conversation-ing away.

THAT moment when mom makes the best lotus root soup and char sio bak with cili padi for dinner.

THAT moment when I went into an office to make presentation and there he stands next to me, suprisingly. Uncle Thean Kee's office and he is the boss that the lady I talked to was talking about. Hah. Small world is small.

THAT moment when I make my clients smile, saying silly things.

THAT moment when my petrol indicator is full.

THAT moment when I see my preggo sister's face coming into my room just now.

THAT moment when he was the only one doing all the talking through skype because I have no microphone with me.

THAT moment when I see a huge yellow balloon printed with DAP's logo flying over the sky with a string attached and smiles to it.

THAT moment when I know I'm going home in 30 minutes time.

THAT moment when I woke up this morning feeling so-so and got better over the hours.

THAT moment. All that moment in just one day, TODAY.
