What a great week it was.
My first time ever boarding on a cruise so huge and so awesome.
So I have been waiting for this day to come ever since when we decided that we were gonna go for this ball with his classmates (no, I don't feel 'senior-ish' when I'm with them at all).
I shall just start with the photos that i took with my handphone (need a camera badly)
(my captions will be below the photos cos I just realised that usually thats where it is. Hmmm.)
My first time ever boarding on a cruise so huge and so awesome.
So I have been waiting for this day to come ever since when we decided that we were gonna go for this ball with his classmates (no, I don't feel 'senior-ish' when I'm with them at all).
I shall just start with the photos that i took with my handphone (need a camera badly)
(my captions will be below the photos cos I just realised that usually thats where it is. Hmmm.)
We went for breakfast in the morning at One Corner Cafe and he had pan mee, and in the pan mee, there lies a long and huge worm! Yes, a very disgusting worm that looked like ikan bilis. I've always complained that he always stares at his food before he puts them in his mouth. I guess it's a good 'habit' cos this would be the second time already that he spotted an insect in his meal.
Then, he waited patiently for me to cuci rambut. Such a good boyfriend you are, Koay.

After that, we all met in college at around 1pm. Waiting for the KL busses to arrive. (just out of sudden, I crave for iced lemon tea so much like no one's business. (Even Koay was shocked)
Can you just see that everyone's totally in cruise mode already?
But these two boys just have to talk about assignments and all I hear from them was "this article better" and "that article not so good". (So glad that those were the times and it's long gone for me)
So I escaped from the boys and stood with the ladies. At this point of time, I became quite restless d because all I want is to go, board, that ship! But no... we had to wait and wait and wait...
At about 2-3pm, they finally arrived and the registration stuff begins. There were so many of them.. All pretty and handsome peeps from the mad city. We didn't leave college immediately. We went for a few rounds of practising Waltz dance together with the KL peeps. It was pretty fun.
Then, we carpooled and drove to the ever amazing Port Swettenham.
Boy, was I a happy girl. No need to carry own luggage sumore. Koay had got that covered :)
Another 'waiting' moment at the port's 'lobby'.
All smiles and no frowns!
So so so close but yet so so far at that time. It was just like I can only stand near the glass windows and stare into it. And it's true till Koay comes over and asked me to sit down and relax. Haha.
The anti-snorer and pro-snorer sharing a cabin. Hmm..
Our room keys. Good thing it's just a few doors away. Because there were so many cabins in there that one can literally get lost. No kidding! (and we get to keep the card after, AWESOME POSSUM!)
The big baby awaits for us!
The juniors. My juniors. (but I look younger than all of them!)
Total of students going onboard: around 200.
Too bad it was raining when we board the ship. Couldn't go up to the top deck to check out the open areas. We didn't have time also la cos we all needed to get ready for the night d.
See! And it goes all the way to the other end of the ship! But the hallway is so pretty and everything is so nice!

The cabin. Every room has 2 students though they have 3 beds. It's small and properly organized. I love everything about the room. Bed so soft sumore. Oh wait, the only thing that I didn't really like was how cold the room is! Not only my room, but Koay's room also freezing cold ehh! (And I didn't bring any sweater or thicker clothes also)
Toilet also very small. the shower place is so small that it can fit only one person (duh!) but it's cute and comfy in a way.
I believe comfort doesn't always come in big places and fancy toilets with marble floors or giant beds with fluffy pillows! Its there when you enjoy that every moment.
I crashed into the boys' room and forced them to take a mirror photo with me. Oh I feel special among the two boys! Those room pics that I took is of the boys because I shared a room with a pretty-MU-fan-girl from KL, and I don't want her to feel not comfortable.
Sidetrack a bit..the dress I got from Aunty Hui Ling's shop and mom's precious LV. I aim to own one LV handbag one day. I love the dress because it's so simple and black makes me look curvier (i think?)
I thought the phone was pretty cute. Didn't really think we needed to use also. Who would need room service when you're on a ship that has everything?! (Almost everything..)
Oh okay. So I did snap a few pictures in my own room when she was taking her shower. Haha. That's our open-concept-wardrobe. And that's not my dress.
So after like 30 minutes or so, Koay came to my room and said that they are ready to go. And I was still like applying eyeliner on one of the eyes. And I quickly rush cos I didn't wait for them to wait for me *paiseh*. But then when I went into their room, they were like tucking in their shirts, looking at the mirror for like the hundredth times and spraying perfumes everywhere. And they made the girl *points to myself* wait outside the cabin. Pssh. Boys these days more aisui than girls. It's the truth.
I know I've already posted this one on Instagram, but I just can't resist putting it here again! He looked so handsome and I looked so gorgeous *perasan to the max*
First up, we went to the Stardust Lounge where the 'opening' would take place. The place is sooo nice.
The boys actually took many vain photos here but it's not with me. I remembered everyone was laughing and teasing away and the night was just about to start. It's true that doesn't matter where you go and what you do, as long as you are with a bunch of fools like them, everything is memorable :)
Magician doing his thing. There were a few tricks I was wow-ed with. Just a few. He's quite good la but I'm not really a magic person. It makes me want to find out how they do it and it annoys me so much knowing that in the end, I will never find out eh.
And then we have some sort of 'icebreaker' game aka Scavenger Hunt, where you are given a piece of papers with a list of things you need to find in/of a person and get them to sign for you. Things like wearing green socks doesn't like to eat chocolate, loves reptiles more than furry animals, wears pink underwear and much other weird stuff. And guess who the winner was! *points to self* ME! THE ONE AND ONLY SOLE WINNER! :) (the 'grand prize' for the winner was just a pair of chopsticks with a case) When it was time for the lucky draw, Guess who got called!? *points to self* ME AGAIN!! What did I get? A pair of earphones (I must say that their gifts need to be better!!)
After the games, it's dinner time. So for dinner, we all get to choose to either go for the buffet bbq style or Chinese cuisine. We all opted for the cuisine of course since we didn't want to end up smelling like food.
We vained all we want because it's that night where we wear our best smiles :)
Kenny. Jun. Kar Loon.
Jean Van Buuren. Lean Soon. Raj.
Pei See. Kaylie.
Tyler. Sarah. Adrian. (Khoos overruled!)
Both looking handsome in their tuxedo.
The juniors, again. So, I joked and claimed that I went there as their photographer because every time someone said "GROUP PICTURE GROUP PICTURE", everyone will look at me and pass me their gadgets to snap. So, my face is usually not in their group photos! Haha. But I had fun taking their pictures., Afterall, it is their last sem of being together and making crazy unforgettable moments. And I'm blessed to have been a part of their crazy family. *teary eyes*
We ordered 5 times of the 8-course meal. More than that for some selected dishes because they tasted so heavenly delicious! And one thing about a cruise is that we can keep ordering as how many times you want and there are no extra charges. Because everything is already included in the travel fee. IT'S SO AWESOME! :)
Their 'public' toilets are very clean and proper as well. There's one particular toilet that I went into that I didn't fancy. I went into one of the cubicles and after the door is closed (as you can see in the picture) there's still space at the side where people from the outside can see through inside. It doesn't look big in the photo but I PROMISE YOU IT'S HUGE! The whole entire time when I was inside, I was praying hard that no one walks into the toilet. They can just be looking into the mirror, applying some lipstick and they would see me, in my cubicle (don't like lose doors!)
Vain picture, tick. I just realized that there was probably a lady inside that cubicle in the picture that was as terrified as I was if people stand and look into the mirror. Good thing she wasn't 'exposed' in this photo that I took. Haha.
Upon entering the Boomer's Disco/Club. We were served with orange/mango cordial the whole night and danced to our heart's content. One does not need alcohol to enjoy the music and the peeps.
That night was the first time ever Koay asked (okay, more like pulled me) into the dance floor (which was in the middle of everyone) and danced romantically. For the first time in my life. In both our lives. Hmm... Silly romantic dude, he is. It was magical, people would say. I would say, it was out of this world. Best experience ever. And on top of that, he whispered "I love you" as we danced. And after that, we pulled everyone (almost everyone in our gang) to the dance floor and danced to fast music. I DO NOT KNOW HOW TO DANCE. ALL I DID WAS MOVE RIGHT AND LEFT (I probably looked like a silly girl lost in midst of nowhere) but I enjoyed myself so much. It was thumbs-up! :)
Then, it was time for Waltz dance in the open areas, top deck! After all that rehearsal in college, it was time for us to do what we do best. This Waltz dance requires you to switch partners at every repeat. Very difficult to explain here so in short, it was fun! :)
So you know we always tease each other and the single boys that they should just ask the girl they want to dance with to the dance floor that night and no one did anything. All they did was dance with the group or sit down and watched as their ladies are being asked by other boys. This guy went straight to the girl and asked her to dance. And she said yes. Go Jun! :)
After we took this picture, he silently walked to the bar area and watched MU vs Arsenal. True fans la this guy.
Best dressed male and best-dressed female.
While the boys were having their beer and discussing on which liquor to open, I took a walk on the highest deck and explore the place. Couldn't see anything as it was like around 1am. And there was no sharp-edge-Titanic-like *disappointed* Haha.
We decided to open the Cordon Bleu Martell, courtesy of Pei See's uncle. Heard that it's really good and pricey. And we have it for free. How more awesome can the night be right?
This is not a picture of him being drunk. No one was drunk at all. We didn't want to spoil the holiday! This is him taking a nap at 6am! I went to bed earlier than the rest of them which was around 4am, so I had 2 hours of sleep. I set my alarm to 6am so that I could catch the sunrise. After having no sleep at all, he insisted that he follows me to the upper deck to watch the sunrise. So kesian, he was like soo sleepy okay. And I kept telling him to go sleep but he wanted to be there to watch the sunrise together. This boy is a keeper. So sweeeet!
While waiting for the bright round thing to pop out!
The sky finally lighted up and he became more awake, knowing that we only have few hours left on the ship!
That's what we got. No sunrise because it was so cloudy and I don't know what happened. But we enjoyed the cold air early in the morning and definitely enjoyed his company.
The other boys were mostly KO-ed so we woke the girls up and breakfast away all the yummy food.
Our view as we eat sarapan pagi kami.
The suprisingly delicious food they serve. So many choices sumore.
After makan, it was time for some sun-bathing and swimming session!
I love the month of November, filled with occasions and getaways every week! :)
If only the sun was bright and shining on us. If only I wasn't that lazy to shower again, I would have gone to be in the pool. But I had a great time sitting down chillaxing and looking at people in their bikinis and watching the boys :)
And that wraps up the journey, with a complimentary pair of Rayban shades. Awesome it was.
Such poser boyfriend I have.
Priceless memories made and will never be forgotten.