thirtieth september twenty twelve.
the day when reality hit hard on me. the day when the Big Man reminded me how crazy of the things He's able to do. the day He blew my mind away. the day of emotions running high. the day when I made my family proud. the day of celebration. also the day everyone looks like lohans (the fish) HAHA.
that day came.
At times I think back of what I have done to deserve all this. To be given the honor of walking up the stage twice. £50 is not a big reward from Keele University, but it definitely came to me as a surprise. the Big Man is so crazily amazing (there are no words to describe how it actually felt for God to surprise me like that) I mean, come on!
All I aimed for in college was to pass all the subjects. First Class Honors? Never targeted that (and no, I'm not trying to say that I'm smart). I'm just amazed what God did what He did. IT'S CRAZY! This is a perfect example of 'do your best in all things and God will handle the rest'!
Okay, say no more. Time for visual syiokness (warning: there'll be loads and load of pictures since it's the day we all get to vain kau kau) - some taken with the S2.
that Saturday noon getting all ready to snap a nice photo with ah kong.
that Sunday morning started with a great breakfast time with crazy people.
behind the scenes.
i don't like flowers. but if I have to like one, it would always be red rose.
when you honor Him, He will honor you.

i am truly blessed.
the one whom i know stands by me through the storms.
classmate from Turkmenistan, Gulayim. Koay gets to come into the hall thanks to her extra ticket! :)
some of the KEELE-ers.
as we go on, we remember all the times we had together.
the only picture I took at the Keele Dinner (too hungry d!)
Choo and Ng (voted by us best couple of the three years! and no they are not REALLY a couple)
Along with the people from KEELE University.
and a loud and long yam seng to bid farewell.
And with that, I conclude this post with a photo of people whom I cherish the most in the entire galaxy.